Все публикации

Tawny Man Discussion with Alex - FULL SPOILERS for first half of the Realm of the Elderlings

Bonus Content

Valdemar pt1 The Heralds of Valdemar and Vows & Honor

Why can't it just be NICE?

Realm of the Elderlings Discussion

Not RoTE #6 - Forest Mage. Soldier Son 2 - non spoiler thoughts.

What's in the Discworld box?

The Man on the train, of thoughts.

Not RoTE #4 - Shaman's Crossing. Soldier Son 1 - non spoiler thoughts.

Discworld Pt: 23 - Books 1 & 2 - The Wizards

Mid-Year Book Haul and General Update

Killer Mermaids! - Not Hobb #3

Wait - It's MAY?!

April Readathon - The TBR Blitz event

Realm of the Elderlings Pt 9: The Wilful Princess and the Piebald Prince - a novella.

Not Hobb (well, sort of) #2 - And an upcoming live...

Not Hobb 1: The Singing Hills Cycle by Nghi Vo

Realm of the Elderlings Pt8: Ship of Destiny Spoiler-free, non-review - bk 3 in the Liveship Traders

First book haul in Windy Wellington

Updates, upcoming, and all the data!

I have too much to do, so I'm doing reading sprints

Discworld Pt: 22 Standalones - Pyramids & Moving Pictures

An Emotional Unboxing!

No longer MIA - I've emerged!