Все публикации

Maîtrise de courte durée en Anthropocène

Short Duration Masters in Anthropocene

Employing Satellite Earth Observation Technologies: How to Start a Start-up

Learning about the land in a Dene way

Mapping activity and plant scavenger hunt

Bridging Personal and Collective Climate Action

Crestron Demo

Supporting Science and Policy Integration through Data Science and AI, Dr Vik Pant

Housing Assessment Readiness Tools (HART) by Dr. Carolyn Whitzman

Climate justice and activism Moving from theory to action by Mary Stuart ENV 2301 Guest Lecture

Access to health care: A case study of Parkinson's disease by Dr. Eric Crighton

ENV 2301 Lecture Celeste Digiovanni

CoManagement Of Fisheries by Celeste Digiovanni

Dr Sonia Wesche Arctic Indigenous Research Engagement

Abigail Dalton Glacier Velocities Prince of Wales Icefield

Caribou Gaspésie Cours/Course GEG4921 uOttawa

Cendre volcanique sur le Sólheimajökull / Volcanic ash on Sólheimajökull

Zodiac sur/on Jökulsárlón

Dr. Marc Saner Trouble With Emerging Technologies

Marc Saner | Canadian Science Policy Conference 2019

Intérêts de recherche Antoni Lewkowicz, Département de géographie

Research Interests Anders Knudby

Intérêts de recherche Anders Knudby

Research Interests Antoni Lewkowicz, Department of Geography