Все публикации

The Current State of The British Army

If the British Army Went to War Right Now

How NOT to Avoid Russian Conscription

How Russia 'Train' Their Army

The British Empire Invading Other Countries

Every Boss Fight

How The British Empire Draws Borders

If the British Army Conscripted Gamers

The British Empire in a Nutshell

Why Germany Lost The War

The Dawn of Good Sleep: An Emma Sleep #ad

Every Soviet Soldier in 1942

When The German Army Retreats

How the British Actually Won WW1

Why Allied Guns Are All Sh*t

Allied Weapons Weren't That Bad

Were German Guns Really That Good?

If Britain Fought the Vietnam War

When HOI4 games go right

Every WWI Tank Crew

How WWI Really Ended

German Officers When the Führer dies

British Colonialism In A Nutshell

German Weapons Weren't That Good