Все публикации

🙌 Dive into my latest e-book and explore 5 key principles of composition. #lydiarink #mixedmedia

The 100 Day Project starts this year on February 18th! I hope you‘ll join us! ❤️

Monday morning sketchbook play to kickstart my creativity. #lydiarink #inspiration

A lot of stunning collage paper arrived from the Netherlands. ❤️ #lydiarink #paperpals

Monday morning ... looking for inspiration ...

Experimenting is key to find your own style 🙌

A small selection of my selfmade collage material 🙌

Sketchbook Flip Through

Yay!🙌 New postcards and stickers for the upcoming event in August have arrived.

Mini collage book flip through

I like working with different materials. Each materials has its own characteristics.

Looking for a spark of inspiration

How do you store your collage material?

The Joy Of Using Vintage Papers - Collage no. 43 for the Collaborative Collage Challenge

Collage With Type - Collage no. 42 for the Collaborative Collage Challenge

SIMPLY BLUE - Collage no. 41 for the Collaborative Collage Challenge

Abstract Collage on Paper

How To Create Interesting Abstract Shapes? - collage no.40 for the Collaborative Collage Challenge

Why This Year-Long Collage Project? - Collage no.39 for the Collaborative Collage Challenge

Video-Podcast: Atelier Talk - Kunst braucht kein Email-Marketing - Oder?

Work in progress

How To Let Go Of Expectations? - Collage no. 38 for the Collaborative Collage Challenge

COLLAGE WITH ME! - How to create abstract collage art

Collage making is a beautiful and easy way to unleash your creativity and make art on a daily basis