Все публикации

Mark Bishop, 'Deep Stupidity: A Provocation on the Things LLMs Can and Cannot Do.'

Linfeng Wang: Measure transport with kernel mean embeddings

Liv Vage: Graph neural nets and reinforcement learning for particle tracking at the LHC

Florian Schaefer: Statistical Inference and PDEs: From operator learning to shock capturing

Boya Hou: Nonparametric Compressed Learning of Dynamical Systems

Matthew Colbrook: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the DMD Multiverse

Lorenz Richter: An Optimal Control Perspective on Diffusion-Based Generative Modeling

Nathan Doumèche: Physics-Informed Machine Learning as a Kernel Method

Nicolas Boulle: Elliptic PDE learning is provably data-efficient

Yuanzhao Zhang: Catch-22s of reservoir computing

Petar Veličković: Graph Deep Learning: Monoids and time, Embracing asynchrony in (G)NNs

B. Hamzi: On Bridging ML, Dynamical Systems, & Algorithmic Info. Th. Via SKFs and PDE Simplification

Tobias Schröder: Energy Discrepancy: Training of Energy-Based Models without Scores or MCMC

Shi Jin: Dimension Lifting for Quantum Computation of Partial Differential Eqns and Related Problems

Cristina Cipriani: A mean-field optimal control approach for the training of NeurODEs & AutoencODEs.

Islem Rekik: The landscape of generative GNNs in network neuroscience

Yoshito Hirata: Unified time series analysis for nonlinear deterministic/stochastic systems

Stefan Klus: Kernel based approximation of the Koopman generator and Schrödinger operator

Daniel Wilczak: Recent advances in rigorous computation of Poincaré maps

P.-C. Aubin: The reproducing kernels underlying LQ control and Kalman filtering, and their duality

Mengjia Xu: TransformerG2G: Adaptive time-stepping for learning temporal graph embeddings

F. Ferrini: A hands-on introduction to Graph Deep Learning, with examples in PyTorch Geometric (4/4)

S. Azzolin: A hands-on introduction to Graph Deep Learning, with examples in PyTorch Geometric (3/4)

A. Longa: A hands-on introduction to Graph Deep Learning, with examples in PyTorch Geometric (2/4)