Все публикации

Project Scheduling Program complete(theoretical and real world) – Excel Runs Python

Exel User interface methods including RibbonX coding

Run Python from Excel

Project scheduling by Python and Excel; deterministic, probabilistic and schedule risk analysis

crosstabs plot by Python for Excel user

Schedule risk analysis with Monte Carlo simulation

Skyline diagram, Python based Project visualization tool on Excel

Python based project management - 1. Deterministic schedule with Gantt chart

Python algorithm– critical path analysis on Excel worksheet

Critical path analysis - Network Diagram Method

Critical path analysis using Excel functions and formulas.

Week ending date and Month end date- Excel WEEKDAY function, DATE function and EOMONTH function

Progress Bar in Excel - Conditional formatting, Draw Shapes, Text histogram

Format chart grid line - Excel chart

Create dynamic range formula - Excel function Offset with COUNTA or Index with COUNTA

How to build a package program - Excel VBA. Construction management platform

Create summary data report without PIVOT table in Excel

Progress S-Curve Generator in Excel

How to make a Gantt chart in Excel with VBA

Horizontal filter Excel add-in

Create timeline automatically in Excel

Enhanced Excel Data Entry Form functions

Use Excel Data Entry Form to Add, edit, find, and delete rows and discuss limitation

Create Multiple scale Pie Charts using Application.Union Method