Все публикации

PRF 176 Intro Video

Incorporating Implements into Sprinting Drills

Snap Skip

How to Set Up the Band Resisted KB Swing

Staggered Stance TBD RDL

Single Leg Hurdle Hops

Counter Movement Hurdle Hops

Single Leg Medial & Lateral Hurdle Hops

Non Counter Movement Hurdle Hops

SA KB Racked Lateral Step Up

KB Goblet Lateral Lunge with Weight Shift

The Power of Intent in Training

Supine Hamstring Bridge Iso Hold

Nordic Hamstring Iso Hold

TRX Hamstring Curl

Hamstring Curl SL ECC with Swiss Ball

Nordic Hamstring Plate Reach Out Iso Hold

Supine Hamstring Bridge March

GHR Ecc with Banded Protraction

Hamstring Curl with Swiss Ball


Hamstring Slider Curl

SL Hamstring Slider Curl

GHR Hip Ext