Все публикации

Angelo's Fun Facts #31- lesser know Greek Mythological characters

Teach your dog a powerful NO

Crate protocols are a game changer

Red Flags to Look For in a Dog Trainer What Would Jeff Do? #1137 dog training q & a

How to Stop Dog from barking

Get Them Sober First

how to proof recall off high distractions What Would Jeff Do? #1136 dog training q & a

What Would Jeff Do? #1135 dog training q & a

H ow to stop excessive marking behavior What Would Jeff Do? #1134 dog training q & a

How our $99 course gave a client her best holiday ever What Would Jeff Do? #1133 dog training q & a

Angelos Fun Facts #30 Greek Mythology

What Would Jeff Do? #1108 dog training q & a

Aggressive dog rehab at seminar

Working a dog through fear and stress

When a dog does not want to be pet. It can be confusing

Slow your dogs energy down now

4 California dogs doing great out in public. Really proud of them all

Best Ways to Train a Fearful Dog: Solid K9 Training

Dogs that are in our board and train program not only get obedience and behavior modification.

First time ever swimming #dogtraining

Heeling tips and troubleshooting

Proofing commands is so important

Working multiple dogs at training center thst just started learning

What Would Jeff Do? #918 dog training q&a