Все публикации

The Bee Better Kamala Harris Controversy | A Nuanced Unpacking

Supreme who??? 👀

The dangers of self diagnosing? Mental Health & the Internet | Khadija Mbowe

What being on Jubilee taught me...about my audience 😶(some of y’all *squints*)

The Long Suffering Wife & her equally toxic partner | Khadija Mbowe

'Sephora 10 yr olds' and the disappearing tweens | Khadija Mbowe

y'alls obsession with celeb as activists is...strange to me...(live)

Arias of Seduction

'the kids can't read!' TikTok isn't being dramatic this time? | Khadija Mbowe

Are the Menzies are okay? Manipulation masking as boundaries…

some of y'all need an exorcism...and to log off...

The “downlow” paradox | Khadija Mbowe

The suspicious sincerity of public (and private) apologies | Khadija Mbowe

Won't someone think of the children 😡 ?!?!? The transgender moral panic unpacked

The Feminine urge to internalize the Male Gaze (clip) Khadija Mbowe

So y'all still hate Meghan Markle huh? 🤨| Khadija Mbowe

All this spinster slander for what??? 🤔

The girls are fighting? 🧐

The consent conversation...needs some work 😬| Khadija Mbowe

Straight black men drag…let’s talk…😗

Everyday since the day I turned 28…

It’s time to give Mariah your money!

Maybe you should stay in the closet?...Coming Out re-examined | Khadija Mbowe

The Internet and envy...| Khadija Mbowe