Все публикации

1 song in 30 Languages From 43 Countries, Ya Mustafa

the History of the Circassians | every year (1500 BC-2023 AD)

An intercultural song 'At the Foot of the Castle' (in 14 different languages and dialects)

the History of the Timurids | every month (1346-1526)

the History of the Sakhas (Yakuts) - every year

Rapa Nui song dedicated to Augusto Pinochet - Iorana Presidente

the History of the Kipchak Turks (Kazakhs, Kyrgyzs, Tatars...) | every year

The History of the Catalans | Every Year

Türkler Anadolu'ya Girmeseydi ve Orta Asya'da Yerleşik Hayata Geçseydi | Alternatif Türk Tarihi

The History of Chechnya & Ingushetia | Every Year - Çeçenistan ve İnguşetya Tarihi | Her Yıl

Azerbaycan Tarihi [1122-2021] Her Ay | History of Azerbaijan [1122-2021] Every Month

Türkiye Tarihi | Her Ay [1071-2021] - The History of Turkey | Every Month [1071-2021]

Kırım Tatarları Tarihi - Her Yıl | The History of Crimean Tatars - Every Month

History of Italians | İtalyan Tarihi

History of Arabs - every year | Arap Tarihi - her yıl

History of Austronesians Part 2: East Timor, Pasific Islanders (Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesians)

History of Korea | Kore Tarihi

History of Austronesians Part 1: Hesperonesians(Indonesia, Malaysia,Brunei,Philippines, Madagascar)

History of Avatar World | Avatar Dünyası Tarihi

History of Armenians | Ermeni Tarihi

History of Scandinavians | İskandinav Tarihi

Alternatif Osmanlı Cumhuriyeti | Alternate Republic of Ottomans

History of Israel | İsrail Tarihi

History of Celts | Kelt Tarihi