Все публикации

Blue Sea Dragon.

Super Critical Water

Gallium and Mercury

Laser Engraving Machine Working method

Having cramps on the right side while running?

Right way to Eat food

Aerogel, The lightest material in the world

Why does Surgical light have no shadow ?

Nuclear Pasta , The strongest material in the universe.

Pulse Jet Engine

Why Oarfish Often Call Doomsday Fish

Sodium - Potassium Alloy is too dangerous

Futuristic Fan With Zero 👌 Noise

Why Pilots are trained to 9G

Flame In Zero Gravity

Is Coca Cola A Mistake ?

What is a flame ?

Graphene Injected In the Human Body

Pyura chilensis the Rock animal.

Homemade lava lamp 🪔.

Cone Snail Sting 💉

Don't use an angle grinder like this.

Is Graphene Our future?

Can you Guess this ?