Все публикации

Two numpy arrays, but one sums faster? #numpy #python #coding

Python oddities: strange return values with any() and lists #python #coding #programming

Logging vs printing: when to use which one #programming #coding #computerscience

An unusual way to use asterisks (*) in Python #python #coding #programming #computerscience

Dataclasses simplify class comparisons in Python! #python #coding #programming #computerscience

Python Dataclasses Explained in 4 minutes! #python #coding #programming

Why x*x is faster than x**2 in Python 3.10 #python #coding #computerscience #programming

Why x*x is way faster than x**2 in Python 3.10... #python #programming #computerscience

What a CPU does when you add 1+1! #computerscience #hardware #cpu

Don't use bare try-except blocks in Python! #python #coding #programming #computerscience

Sequential Array Access != Random Array Access! #programming #computerscience #coding #cpu

Computers can use more memory than physical RAM!? #programming #computerscience #computers

How do computers actually track time!? #programming #computerscience #computers

Floating point weirdness in Python!? #python #programming #coding #computerscience

BIGGEST integer in Python!? #python #programming #coding #computerscience

The CLEVER way Python represents negative integers! #programming #coding #computerscience

Default arguments are TRICKY! #python #coding #programming #pythonlearning

Adding a character to a Python string DOUBLES memory usage!? #python #coding #programming

Python Sets Can Be TRICKY! #python #coding #programming

How do empty Python strings use so much memory? #python #programming #coding #memory

How does Python code actually run? #python #coding #programming #computerscience

You can COLORIZE Pandas Dataframes!? #python #pandas #programming #coding

LPython: Faster than Numba!? C++ level speeds!? #python #programming #coding #news

Python: No more GIL!? #python #coding #programming #news