Все публикации

DO DIL MIL RAHE HE... HUKAM RAJ BHAGAT. B 7 D 5.@hukamrajbhagat9437.

Calculate fundamental magnitudes Monge's form surface z = f(x, y).M.Sc.D G 21.HUKAM RAJ BHAGAT.

If f(x) sol.self adj.sec.odr.eq.d/dx[P(x)dy/dx]+Q(x)y=0, first der.Let f(x) infinite no.zero,it zero

In general converse of Lagrange's theorem is not true.( M. Sc. A A -I-2.HUKAM RAJ BHAGAT.)

State& prove Cauchy's criterion for uniform convergence seq.fun.M.Sc.RA-I-32.HUKAM RAJ BHAGAT.

When A series of fun.sigma fn converges uniformly on [a,b]? M.Sc.RA-I-31.H R BHAGAT.

Let f def.[0,2] f(x)={1,x rat.={-1,x irr. Evaluate low.R int.-0,2of f(x)dx & up.R int.0,-2 of f(x)dx

Show that seq.{an} where an=1+1/2+1/3+...+1/n does not cog., by it is not Cauchy seq.B.Sc.II.AC24.HR

If a le.th.0,prove(a)|x| le.th.a,if-a le.th.x le.th.a.(b)|x-p| le.th.p(p g.th.0)if a-p le.th.x le.th

JAB KOI BAAT... HUKAM RAJ BHAGAT.B 5 D. @hukamrajbhagat9437.

If y = e rez to power x /sin x, find dy/dx.(+2.M 77.HUKAM RAJ BHAGAT.) @hukamrajbhagat9437.

Longest side∆ 3times shortest side&third side2cm shorter than log.side.Perimter61,find shortest.+1

Man standing railway bridge180m long.Train crosses bridge20sec.&him8s.Find length train&speed.QA125.

Find eq. tangent plane and normal to surface z=xy at point(2, 3,6).M.Sc.D G 20.HUKAM RAJ BHAGAT.

State and prove Cauchy's theorem for abelian groups.M.Sc.Advanced Algebra-I-1.HUKAM RAJ BHAGAT.

Show eq. t sq.d sq.x/dt sq.-2tdx/dt+2x=0 is not self adjoint. How make self adjoint?M.Sc.ODE25.HRB.

VANDE MATRAM... HUKAM RAJ BHAGAT. D B 7.@hukamrajbhagat9437.

Show uniform convergence implies pointwise cgc. but converse not true.M.Sc.R A-I-30.HUKAM RAJ BHAGAT

If f(x) =1-x, show that f bel.R[0,1] and int.0 to 1 of f(x)dx=1/2.(B.Sc.III.A 23.HUKAM RAJ BHAGAT.)

Limit Superior and Limit Inferior of a Sequence.B.Sc.II.A C 23.HUKAM RAJ BHAGAT.@hukamrajbhagat9437.

Define absolute value|x| for real num.x.Find all pairs real num.x&y which x|y|+y|x|=0.B.Sc.I.DC23.HR

Find all pairs consecutive odd post.int.both which smaller than10,such that their sum more 11.+1.M76

If y= sec inverse[1/2x sq. -1], 0 less than x less than 1/√2, find dy/dx.(+2.M76.HUKAM RAJ BHAGAT.)

A train 140m long running60kmph.In how much time will it pass platform260m long? Q A124.H R BHAGAT.