Все публикации

System Design : Distributed Database System Key Value Store

System Design Introduction For Interview.

System Design : Design messaging/chat service like Facebook Messenger or Whatsapp

Binary Search : Median of two sorted arrays of different sizes.

System design : Design Autocomplete or Typeahead Suggestions for Google search

Convex Hull Jarvis March(Gift wrapping algorithm)

System Design : Design a service like TinyUrl

Burst Balloon Dynamic Programming[Leetcode]

Sum Query in 2D Immutable Array Dynamic Programming

Regular Expression Dynamic Programming

Lowest Common Ancestor Binary Search Tree

Sparse Table Algorithm Range Minimum Query

Lowest Common Ancestor Binary Tree

Iterative Postorder traversal of binary tree using one stack

Trie Data Structure

Combination of Characters in String (All subsets of characters)

Morris Inorder Tree Traversal

N Queen Problem Using Backtracking Algorithm

Wildcard Matching Dynamic Programming

Coin Changing Minimum Coins Dynamic Programming

String Permutation Algorithm

Detect Cycle in Directed Graph Algorithm

Skyline Problem

Buy/Sell Stock With K transactions To Maximize Profit Dynamic Programming