Все публикации

How to properly Space Hydroponic Plants in your grow system

Grow Light Test: White vs Blue-Red LED light (Surprising result!)

Hydroguard Vs. Hydrogen Peroxide test and Comparison

The Complete Guide to change Hydroponic Nutrient water (worth it)

My Simple Aeroponic system walkthrough DIY Build

Indoor Leggy plants! what to do with them and how to avoid!

DIY indoor NFT Hydroponic Grow System (Simple to make and Customizable)

Best hydroponic system for advanced growers

how to keep hydroponic water clean

prototype NFT hydroponic system (no PVC Pipe)

how to pick kale so it keeps growing

how often to change hydroponic water

Is it worth Thinning out Hydroponic plants?

Calcium Deficiency or Tip burn Guide and prevention (essential)

Hydroponic root rot: prevention, detection, elimination (2020)

Hydroponics starter kits

Week 3 update: I started a blog!

Urban farming is on the rise (This is why)

How to grow hydroponic strawberries (easy)

What you need to get started growing with hydroponics (2020)

How Close to keep LED Grow lights (sunburnt plant example)

90 day challenge week 2 analytics & updates

Growing indoor vegetables: is it worth it? (2020)

Grow light Product Review: DLED848VG