Все публикации

The 12 most common pain locations in the shoulder

My shoulder hurts here! 12 most common pain locations and what they mean

Hamstring tear ... again - How to avoid and heal them.

Chondromalacia patellae - The 4 stages and their treatment explained

New game changing knee replacement technique explained - 'Kinematic' knee replacement

The 11 most common pain locations in the ankle

My ankle hurts here! 11 typical pain spots and what they mean

The 5 important knee ligaments

The 10 most common pain locations in the knee

2 things to watch out for with a knee replacement

My knee hurts here! 10 typical pain spots and what they mean

5 Non-Operative Alternatives to Knee Replacement: What You Need to Know

The most overlooked cause of knee pain - Patellar endotorsion

How to diagnose and treat hoffa impingement?

How to detect and overcome metal allergy in knee and hip replacements?

The 'Pivot Shift' test'explained

The 5 knee stabilizing ligaments - anatomy and function explained

Can a knee or hip replacement increase the risk of cancer?

'Growing pains' in children - Treatment and explanation

Knee pain in children 4 to 12 years old - Diagnosis and treatment explained

The fundamental flaw in evidence based medicine

What is: Meniscus?

The nr.1 exercise for gaining knee flexion after knee replacement

Nr.1 exercise for building strength after knee replacement