Все публикации

How to use SmartPLS 3 projects in SmartPLS 4

Presentation of the new SmartPLS 4 software at the PLS2022 conference

PLS2022 Prelude #4 (Part II): Predictive model evaluation and comparison in PLS-SEM

PLS2022 Prelude #4 (Part I): Predictive model evaluation and comparison in PLS-SEM

PLS2022 conference location and FAQ

PLS2022 Prelude #3: Mediation, moderation, and conditional mediation analysis in PLS-SEM

PLS2022 Prelude #2: The combined use of PLS-SEM and necessary condition analysis (NCA)

PLS-2022 Prelude #1: Recent advances in predictive model assessment

Joe Hair recommends PLS SEM Academy

PLS-SEM Academy

SmartPLS 3 in 5 Minutes

A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) - 3e (2022)

IPMA: Importance-Performance Map Analysis

IPMA Demo: Running the Importance-Performance Map Analysis in SmartPLS 3

PLS-MGA: PLS Multi-Group Analysis

PLS-MGA Demo: Using the PLS Multi-Group Analysis in SmartPLS 3

HTMT Demo: Assessing Discriminant Validity in SmartPLS 3

HTMT: A New Criterion to Assess Discriminant Validity