Все публикации

New submarine escorted into base by security forces: USS New Jersey

Big trucks and large machinery on the road (East Coast USA)

B-52 bomber planes launch from UK blowing smoke on a deployment to Europe

World War 2 aircraft returning to base in 2022 | Battle of Britain Memorial Flight

Launching a space rocket and transporting it back to base | SpaceX Falcon 9

Yet another B-52 arrives in Europe for a Bomber Task Force deployment

Another B-52 bomber plane arrives in Europe

B-52 bomber planes deploy to Europe; emergency landing in poor weather

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launches Starlink satellites to orbit as beachgoers watch 🚀 🛰️ 🌎

Space rocket travels on a heavy transporter, escorted by police into military base 🚀 🚓

Rocket nose cone escorted by police after returning to Earth (and travelling on a SpaceX ship) 🚀

Space rocket returns by drone ship after launching from Florida | SpaceX Falcon 9 🚀

Warships pass as police escort a cruise ship during sunset in San Diego

VIP motorcades and emergency vehicles fight New York traffic during United Nations events 🚓

Army trucks on the move, and flooding continues after Hurricane Milton

Rescue convoys and heavy equipment on the road to Hurricane Milton 🌀

Disaster recovery teams respond to Hurricane Milton in Florida 🚨

Hurricane Milton relief teams head south as thousands evacuate Florida in major traffic tailbacks 🌀

New Vulcan rocket launches to space for military payload certification 🚀

FBI convoy, VIP security, and interesting police vehicles during UN week in New York

Donald Trump travels by a massive motorcade after meeting with President Zelensky in New York City

President Biden leaves New York | Military helicopters, motorcades, and security during UN meeting

President Biden travels to the UN, fighter jet gets fuel and a fire breaks out nearby in New York

President Biden lands in New York protected by military forces, SWAT teams and heavy security