Все публикации

Lunch Hour Lecture | Adolescent mental health: The role of academic pressure

Lunch Hour Lecture | Sleep, physical activity, and cognitive function

Novel ways to treat the brain with gene therapy

Are Trade Unions Still Relevant Today?

Early life experiences shape later life health

Social justice and health equity

Debunking the chemical imbalance theory of depression and raising questions about

Lunch Hour Lecture | Do we live in more anxious times and are we equipped to deal with them?

Lunch Hour Lecture | Farewell to childcare: transforming England’s broken early childhood system

Lunch Hour Lecture | Joe Biden: Moderate Pragmatist, or Progressive Trailblazer?

Lunch Hour Lecture | Building the foundations of the UK’s Net Zero Strategy

Together & apart: remembering Jewish Ukraine in the context of empire & war

Lunch Hour Lecture | The Last Colony

Orbyts: Research-with-Schools Projects that Transform Inclusivity in Science

What lies behind the “Muslim grooming gangs” crisis?

Lunch Hour Lecture | Is girls’ education the answer to everything?

Managing Covid19 – how could we have done (and do) better?

Improving Survival for Men with Prostate Cancer by Improving Clinical Trials and Meta Analyses

Developing therapies for muscular dystrophy and spinal muscular atrophy

Weighing trees with lasers: new 3D insights

Catalysis: Fundamental Science Supporting Industry,Energy & the Environment

Where is home? Mapping the mental health impacts of the Windrush Scandal

Designing for Citizen Science in the Global North and South

10 years on from London 2012 - the Olympic and Paralympic legacy story