Все публикации

Lunch Hour Lecture | From gene deserts to druggable pathways in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Lunch Hour Lecture | Putting health at the centre of our response to climate change

Lunch Hour Lecture | Beyond ‘Beyond Ofsted’ – the future of school inspection

Lunch Hour Lecture | Future Families: how climate change concerns are shaping reproductive choices

Lunch Hour Lecture | The 2024 US Election: Stakes and Implications

Lunch Hour Lecture | The antidepressant controversy

Lunch Hour Lecture | Unequal mental health: Society, power and the depressogenic environment

Lunch Hour Lecture | Mental health in the workplace: What's possible in an impossible world?

Lunch Hour Lecture | Mental health inequality: What can you and I do about it?

Ethnic and racial disproportionality in police use of Taser

Lunch Hour Lecture | The Global Fight Against LGBTI Rights

Lunch Hour Lecture | Why Jahmelia Can’t Read or Write...

Lunch Hour Lectures | Universes multiverses and simulations

Lunch Hour Lecture | Why we need to teach everyone about reproductive health

The Role of Popular Culture for Queer Teen Identities’ Formation in Netflix’s “Sex Education”

Lunch Hour Lecture | Pedagogy of hope for global social & environmental justice

The impact of England’s calorie labelling policy on individuals with eating disorders

Lunch Hour Lecture | Can good sleep help our brain as we age?

Lunch Hour Lecture for Holocaust Memorial Day | Telling The Story

Community archaeology and the discovery of an ancient Roman palace

Cybersystemics: what is it and why it is a useful new way to think about complex problems?

Lunch Hour Lecture | Medical leadership and gender disparities in England and India

A practical introduction to critical realism

Lunch Hour Lecture | Is climate change increasing disasters?