Все публикации

'In music you can feel so much and just let go - and you do' - Martina Arroyo

'To me a performance is not an exhibition-- it's an offering.” - Marc-André Hamelin

'You start something, and it gets a life of its own.' - Jörg Widmann

“So many of us musicians play with pain' -- Brian Thornton

'Something always leads to something; nothing always leads to nothing.' - Kate Sheeran

'I don't want my audience to see me. I want them to see themselves.' - Golda Schultz

'As a mother of three now, the stage is more relaxing than life.' - Melissa Errico

'I feel a lot less shy on stage.' - Oliver Herbert

'The biggest part of the work is at home and alone.' - Gianandrea Noseda

'You do get better at even the things you're terrible at, if you practice.' - Lisette Oropesa

'Working with Bill Murray taught me that classical music doesn’t need an explanation.' - Jan Vogler

'I did what I had to do: I challenged myself.' - Joshua Roman

'I spent my whole life trying to make the harp sound like a piano.' - Yolanda Kondonassis

'Surround children with musical role models and they will become that role model' - Francisco Núñez

'I feel everything in life is just an improvisation.' - violinist Filip Pogády

'Let’s not forget: life is more important than a concert.' - Anne-Sophie Mutter

'Mozart is hard.' - Ilya Itin

'Sublimity can be terrifying.' - Paul Jacobs

'I don’t want to sing out of fear.' - Ailyn Pérez

“The loudest sound in the world cannot top the energy of a silence.” - Manfred Honeck

“Music criticism will never return to what it used to be.” - Donald Rosenberg

'Our radio broadcasts sell a lot of orchestra tickets.' - Robert Conrad

“If you go for fame, you have a problem.” - Vladimir Ashkenazy

“It’s dangerous if you become famous overnight.” - Jean-Yves Thibaudet