'The biggest part of the work is at home and alone.' - Gianandrea Noseda

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Conductor Gianandrea Noseda joins Living the Classical Life for a discussion that traces his early training as a pianist, the way he regards music from the conductor's point of view, and the search for meaning. He explains how a conductor influences the sound of the orchestra, develops a community audience by taking the music to them, and recounts the "shocking virtuosity" of Carlos Kleiber. This revealing conversation ultimately culminates in a search for honesty in life through music.

Title card 1: Wagner: Tristan and Isolde
Act 2 - Prelude
November 15, 2019
Kennedy Center's Concert Hall
National Symphony Orchestra

Title card 2: Gianandrea Noseda is one of the world’s most sought-after conductors. He was named the National Symphony Orchestra’s seventh music director and began his four-year term with the 2017–2018 season. His contract was extended for four more years, through the 2024–2025 season.

Title card 3: Noseda also serves as Principal Guest Conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra and Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, Music Director of the Tsinandali Festival, and Artistic Director of the Stresa Festival in Italy. In July 2018, the Zurich Opera House appointed him the next General Music Director beginning in the 2021–2022 season.
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I have such a strong memory of watching Gianandrea conducting Mahler 9 at the BBC Proms some years ago, even on TV it came jumping out of the screen. My friends had all gone to the pub but I wanted to see the Mahler so I joined them later. What I told them about it was the image that lasted in my mind. It was a warm evening and at the end of the symphony Gianandrea held the baton still for several seconds with his eyes lowered, this prevented the audience from the often annoying instant applause you get at the end of a long work, and as he stood still drops of sweat just dripped off his nose. His passion, and effort and the understanding of the piece seemed conveyed so humanly in that moment. Great interview. Thanks.


This is a very important discussion. Thank you so much.


Thank you, he is a conductor I truly respect and you interview him with a great set of questions.


Really interesting content! thank you very much.


Really glad you uploaded this, thank you!


Fantastic series and this is special !,


fantastic interview! Maestro I am happy you are in my life!


I absolutely love this series and this was a brilliant interview. Do you know if it might be coming out as a podcast anytime soon? It's brilliant as it is on YouTube but would be amazing on a service such as Spotify in this format!


I was fortunate enough to live in DC during Noseda's first year as Maestro of the NSO. He is delightful, and you can see the connection between him and the musicians. They renewed his contract through 2025!


What a magnificent content! Two truly inspiring musicians! Thank you!!!


Do you broadcast interview with Gunther .Schuller


what is the 1988 Kleiber concert that you're talking about?


Wow. Enjoyed and absorbed that more and better than I can say. A conductor of genuine humility while being a splendid musician, and of course Mr Bognár, wise and sensitive as ever. Thank you very much indeed. Will have to watch and absorb this again. Top marks.


Zsolt, the wonderful quality of your interviews seems to based on the feeling that your questions are never "pro forma" but rather ones that you yourself are really desperate to explore and understand in order to be an even better musician. If there is such a thing as a musician whose instrument is the human soul and spirit, then you are conducting master classes. Thank you. 🙏


Wonderful! Inspiring. Thank you for the interview.


Thanks for this wonderful interview and so many other great interviews you have done!
I also enjoyed listening to Joshua Weilerstein's recent interview of you. Your quiet demeanor and the depth of your approach to another musician coaxes them to reveal their unique insights into living the classical life. Thank you for your beautiful work!


What an incredible interview! Thank you


I echo many of the comments posted, magnificent and appreciation. I also enjoy listening and watching this and others of the series and enjoy the hand and body language. Truly gives evidence and reinforcement of the conversation. Thank you!


I really loved this enterview! He is so clear and humble when talk about his own process and how important ia the new generation. Here in Brazil, sadly, the conservatories and music schools are só desconected from the audience, that makes the impression that this kind of music is only for the rich people. I hope to help in a few years to bring more choral música to my neighborhood. Thank you for this enterview!
