Все публикации

Blood and Fury Live Unboxing

Imperial Scout Triooper #starwars #legion #scouttrooper #ffg #atomicmassgames #endor

Painting Imperial Scout Trooper

Painting Higlander Badger

Paint’n a Highlander Badger #offthewallarmy #archer #kilts #highlander #badgers

Cessna A-37B Dragonfly #supertweet #dragonfly #vietnam #usaf #cas

Painting A-37B Dragonfly

Painting Scharnhorst

KMS Scharnhorst from Warlord Games. #scharnhorst #navalbattle #warlordgames #victoryatsea

C-130s from MOANG. 139th Air Wing. #c130 #usaf #hercules

B-29 Superfortress and B-2 Spirit. #fifi #b-29 #b-2 #spirit #bomber ##superfortress

IJN Zuikaku #ww2 #navy #japanesenavy #aircraftcarrier

36th ID assaulting the Siegfried Line

Tora Tora Tora #caf #toratoratora #pearlharbor #ussarizona

Director Orson Krennic #starwars #imperialmarch #rogueone #miniaturepainting

Painting Orson Krennic

USAF Thunderbird full power climb. #f16 #usaf #thunderbirds

USAF Thunderbirds #usaf #F-16 #thunderbirds

B-2 Spirit fly by.

Painting Darth Vader

Darth Vader 3D printed, STL from Skull Forge Studios

3D printed 1:300 B-17G with 332nd Bomber Squadron markings

Painting the 1/300 B-17G

ZombieSmith's Quar Mechanic