Все публикации

Blastwave 5 1-lb Battlebot Build + Fights

Turtles, Robots, and learning ROS2 in a week

Designing an open source launchpad drum machine

Blastwave III - 1lb Battlebot Build

Designing a Vaporwave Battlebot - Dreamphaze

I Built Samus’ Arm Cannon

Mini Battlebots in Minnesota - August 2021

Building an Affordable PC for Blender and Gaming

Kepler's Guide to Scissor Lifts

Blastwave II - 1lb Battlebot Build

Kepler's Guide To Swerve Drives

Thwackintosh - 150g Battlebot

Two Styles of Custom Vex Slides

I Built a Retro Portal Gun Prop!

Kepler's Guide to Cascade Lifts

Building a Better Battlebot From a Guitar Pedal

Vex Design With Fusion 360

Gravitaz Devlog - The Final Code Examination

Five VEX Locking Mechanisms

Blastwave II Antweight Battlebot CAD Overview

VEX Change Up Prototype Reveal + Explanation

VEX Robotics Change Up Rules Explanation and Strategies

Four Years of VEX Robotics

VRC Tower Takeover Robot Reveal + Explanation