Все публикации

Reverse engineering Microsoft BASIC

Hacking Microsoft BASIC

RS232 flow control

How input buffering works

Running MSBASIC on my breadboard 6502 computer

A simple BIOS for my breadboard computer

Adapting WozMon for the breadboard 6502

How Wozniak’s code for the Apple 1 works

Running Apple 1 software on a breadboard computer (Wozmon)

Fixing a hardware bug in software (65C51 UART)

RS232 interface with the 6551 UART

6502 serial interface

Let's build a voltage multiplier!

Hacking a weird TV censoring device

The RS-232 protocol

How do hardware timers work?

Why was Facebook down for five hours?

SPI: The serial peripheral interface

How does n-key rollover work?

How does USB device discovery work?

How does a USB keyboard work?

Keyboard interface software

Keyboard interface hardware

So how does a PS/2 keyboard interface work?