Все публикации

When Gohan goes from zero to hero! #gohan #saiyaman #gohanxvidel #piccolo #saiyan #frieza #hero #dbz

Frieza remembers Trunks! #dbz #dbs #frieza #goldenfrieza #trunks #vegeta #sword #goten #supersaiyan

Selfish Bulma! 😂 #dbs #dbgt #bulma #goku #vegeta #shenron #elderkai #shadowdragon #piccolo #beerus

Are Vegeta and Bulma the best couple? 😂 #dbz #dbs #bulma #vegeta #yamcha #vegetaxbulma #couple

Goku changed Vegeta‘s life! #dbz #dbgt #goku #kakarot #vegeta #saiyan #dragonball #bulma #rivalry

Your name is Gohan! #gohan #goku #kakarot #grandpagohan #saiyan #earth #chichi #dbz #dragonball

Is Frieza the best villain? 😂 #goku #vegeta #blackfrieza #frieza #saiyan #dbs #dbz #dragonball

Android 18 is very loyal! #android18 #krillin #goku #supremekai #dbz #dbs #dragonball #android17

The Saiyans love the earth! #dragonball #dbz #dbs #goku #kakarot #vegeta #gohan #saiyan #earth #ssj

Goku's friends give him strength! #goku #saiyan #jiren #masterroshi #mui #dbs #tournamentofpower

The Turtle Hermit way! #gohan #masterroshi #dbz #dbgt #goku #kakarot #trunks #dragonball #krillin

When Goku and Vegeta had each other’s back! 🔥 #dbz #kakarot #vegeta #bros #rivalry #dbs #dbgt

Gohan's life in the present and the sad future of Trunks! #trunks #gohan #kidgohan #dbz #dbs

The prince of all Saiyans, his name is Vegeta! 🔥 #vegeta #saiyan #prince #ultraego #dragonball

Vegeta‘s badass comeback! #vegeta #saiyan #warrior #bojackunbound #gohan #trunks #dbz #dbs #goku

Trunks is the only one who’d eliminate his enemy immediately! 😂 #cell #vegeta #gohan #goku #trunks

The story of the Dragon Balls! 🔥#goku #grandpa #pan #dbgt #gokujr #vegeta #dbs #dbz #adventure

Vegeta explains what Saiyan pride is! #vegeta #saiyanpride #cabba #trunks #warrior #strength #train

Goku and Bulma have a very special friendship! #goku #kakarot #bulma #dbgt #dragonball #friendship

The Saiyans are a true warrior race! 🔥 #dbz #dbs #goku #kakarot #saiyan #frieza #badass #vegeta

Poor Bulma! 😂 #goku #kakarot #bulma #dbz #crush #dragonball #saiyan #warrior #gokuxchichi #dbs

Trunks is the most efficient fighter! 🔥 #dbz #trunks #futuregohan #vegeta #saiyan #androidsaga #dbs

Gohan’s hidden potential! 🔥 #dbz #gohan #saiyan #potential #piccolo #warrior #teengohan #dbs

Who should defeat Frieza this time? #dbs #blackfrieza #vegeta #goku #gohan #broly