Все публикации

If you can afford to upsize your tile lines, always do it.

A big advantage to strip tillage is precision nutrient application.

Why do we need tile?

The University of Minnesota studied fuel usage of different tillage practices.

How deep should you place your tile?

We like oats as a cover crop.

There are several ways to approach heavy crop residues depending on soil conditions.

Send a sample of your stalks into a lab to find its worth.

Tile reduces peak flooding.

Load your field with fertility if you want the best oats crop

Brian & Darren explain types of root systems and why farmers have a disadvantage over weeds. 🌿

Plant Growth Hormones

Corn Maturity Selection

Sweet Corn vs. Field Corn

Increasing Stalk Size

Fungicides and Plant Health

Weed Control In Ditches

Planting into Heavy Residue

Row Spacings


Tillering in Crops

Nutrient Movement In Soil

Soil Temperature Variation

Surface vs. Sub-Surface Drainage