Все публикации

Rick Rubin - The Truly Creative Act Is An Offering To God

James Finley - The Turning Point In The Life Of The Addict

Jordan Peterson - The Process of Alignment Makes Everything Into A Psychedelic Experience

Stephen Colbert - Magic Is About Control, Faith Is About Acceptance

Stephan A. Hoeller - Why Hobbits Could Carry The Ring While Others Could Not

Robert Glover - How To Not Turn Your Kid Into A 'Nice Guy'

Robert Glover - Two Types Of 'Nice Guys'

Robert Glover - The Three 'Covert Contracts' Of Nice Guys

Robert Glover - 'A Nice Guy Doesn't Believe They Are Okay Just As They Are'

Richard Feynman - 'Importance' vs Playing

Richard Feynman - What His Father Taught Him

Carl Jung - 'What Nature Leaves Imperfect, The Art Perfects' (read by Deborah Stewart)

Marie-Louise von Franz - The Process of Individuation (Full Essay)

Dustin Poirier - 'I Know How I Am, So People Can't Tell Me Who I Am'

Po Shen Loh - The Art Of Invention

Rollo May - Anxiety Is A Gateway To Creativity

Steve Bobbitt - Your Individual Hell Is Dug With Your Own Desire

Ben Askren - 'Legacy Is Stupid'

Sam Harris - 'You Can't Become Happy, You Can Only BE Happy'

John Schroder - 'Greatness Is Honoring All The Small Things Of The Present Moment '

John Schroder - 'Patience Is A Measurement Of Our Understanding'

John Schroder - If The Thought Of Lack Becomes Who You Are, You Will Always Experience It

Ram Dass - The Optimal Thing Is Doing Whatever You Do, But Consciously

Joseph Campbell - Myth As A Mirror For The Ego