Все публикации


Modern Cross Platform Development with .NET 6

Azure Container Apps: Yet Another Serverless Solution

Blazor 6 vs Angular: Client Side Shootout

C# 10.0 New Language Features

TDD Your Own Adventure!

Real Time Revolution: SignalR In Action

CapArea.NET: Getting Started with the Microsoft Identity Platform by Sidney Andrews

Physical Computing with .NET Core

Learning Functional Programming Through Construction: First Principles

The definitive deep dive into the .git folder

Building Intelligent Enterprise-Grade Help Desk Bots using Conversational AI

From Monolith to Microservices

Neural Networks from the Ground Up

What's New in C# 10

So your company is now remote? How to smoothly onboard your new developers remotely

Making neural networks portable with ONNX

Indexing, Searching, and Aggregation with RediSearch and .NET

Automating your Infrastructure with Terraform

KEYNOTE 2021: Every Experience Is An Opportunity To Learn

From Punch Cards to Git: A Brief History of Version Control

Taming scary production code that nobody wants to touch

.Net Microservices == MegaFun

Building Data Apps with Streamlit