Все публикации

Math 201: Sample Problems from Intro to Number Theory

Proofs Project Draft #8

Proof Draft Discussion - #6

Week 3 Video Solutions, Part 2

Week 3 Homework Solutions, Part 1

More misc. exercises: nested quantifiers, introduction to sets, Venn diagrams

Misc exercises: logical equivlance, predicates, quantifiers

Proving an argument is valid

Determining if an argument is valid

Determining if Given Arguments are Valid

Finding logical conclusions from given premises

Discussion of Nested Quantifiers on Quiz and Homework

help with week 2 annotating proof with key logical equivalences

Complement of the Union of Two Sets

Using Venn Diagrams to Show Set Relationships, Video 2

Using Venn Diagrams to Give Visual Proof - Video 1 of 2

Determining if statements involving sets are true or false

Week 1 Homework: Solution and discussion of number 2

Introduction to Predicates and Discussion of Predicates and Quantifiers

Proving logical equivalence involving the biconditional

Proving a compound proposition is a tautology part 2 of 2

Proving a compound proposition is a tautology part 1 of 2

set up for proving logical equivalence

Truth Table for Contrapositive, Homework Preview