Все публикации

Experience the Magic of the #Jena Philharmonic Orchestra

Autonomous Driving: How Sensors Enable Safe Self-Driving Cars

Sensors for safer driving #autonomousvehicles #microchips

3 Questions on Driving Safely with Autonomous Vehicles

Focus on AI: How can AI-enabled X-ray microscopy accelerate our shift to net-zero energy? 🔋

Progressive #myopia risks? Dr. Chen explains

Ever wondered if you or your child might have #myopia?

AI in X-Ray Microscopy?

Inspiring Through Music: ZEISS' Impact on Cultural Accessibility

In focus: 3 question to myopia expert Dr. Chen

The impact of myopia on children’s vision

Jugend Forscht STEM Competition in Jena

In focus: 3 questions for a material scientist on AI-driven X-ray microscopy

STEM competition “Jugend Forscht” in Jena

In focus: Robotics in care for an ageing society

Volunteers in Naples inspire young people

Exploring the nanocosmos in #biology lessons at the High School in Bopfingen #STEM 🔬🌎

Exploring the nanocosmos at the High School Ostalbgymnasium in Bopfingen

Research into the future of medical #robotics: Innovation to support #surgery

How can medical robotics support surgeons?

The effects of climate change in #Antarctica

Sebastian Copeland on the effects of climate change in Antarctica

What can #birds tell us about the #environment we live in? 🐦

ZEISS Beyond Talks – Studying birds reveals changes in the environment we share