Все публикации

Savant Syndrome: A case study on Kim 'Rainman' Peek

Anneliese Michel: Possession or Psychosis

Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy: A Gypsy Rose Case Study

Munchausen Syndrome

SPSS Tutorial: Interpreting Multiple Regression Output

SPSS Tutorial: Testing Assumptions of Normality of Residuals and Homoscedasticity

SPSS Tutorial: Testing Assumptions of Multicollinearity and Linear Relationships

SPSS Tutorial: Cleaning survey data (reverse score , summing items, and checking reliability)

Treating Extreme Phobias: A Case of Snakes

The Marshmellow Experiment: A Study On Delayed Gratification

The Rosenhan Experiment - Being Sane In Insane Places

UCLA Schizophrenia Experiments

The Smoky Room Experiment

Body Dismorphic Disorder

The False Consensus Effect

Asch's Conformity Experiments

Mixed Effects Models: A Conceptual Overview Using R

Erikson's Psychosocial Theory: 8 Stages of Personality Development

Paris Syndrome

The Robbers Cave Experiment

The Dark Triad of Personality: Psychopathy

The Dark Triad of Personality: Machiavellianism

The Dark Triad of Personality: Narcissism

Impostor Syndrome: Who gets it and how to combat it