Все публикации

Restarting shuttered nuclear power plants

Nuclear as renewable?

I'll be discussing public misinformation about nuclear energy

Advanced nuclear excitement!

Predictions of coming nuclear meltdowns

The Hanford leaks were unacceptable, absolutely, but not a reason for panic or fear

Half-life, radioactivity, and radiation dose

How does radiation (without charge) cause ionization?

Is nuclear waste management technology improving?

Are climate deniers more likely to be anti-nuclear?

Radiological risk assessments on social media

Is radioactivity with shorter or longer half-lives more dangerous?

How do you make something radioactive?

Exciting gamma shielding research just published

Pebble bed nuclear reactors and TRISO fuel

Why aren't we burning used nuclear fuel in reactors today?

Birds Aren't Real and anti-nuclear?

Why doesn't the loop in molten salt reactors also go critical?

Overestimating radiological risks is easy to do

My unpopular opinion on nuclear regulation

Bombing a nuclear power plant?

What are some 'new' developments in nuclear reactor technology?

How scary is the transportation of nuclear waste?

The China Syndrome myth