Все публикации

Potato Harvest Reveal

Veg Plot Tour - Where is the Summer?

An Afternoon in the Veg Plot

Bank Holiday Ruined

Planting Tomatoes

Growing Vegetables – May Plot Tour

Small Space Veg Growing

Potting on Plants and Planting Out

Seeds Im Sowing Now

Making a Vertical Planter from Drainage Pipe

Potting on Tomatoes and Planting Out.

Planting Brassicas and Spinach

Update on my hand

Vegetable Plot Tour - April 2024

Leaton Live - Slugs

Planting Main Crop Potatoes

Dupuytren’s Contracture Disease

Growing Herbs - Im Learning

Moving Plants On and Sowing Seeds

Compost - Home Made or Shop Bought?

Brassicas Bed Preparation

Why You Should Turn Compost Heaps

Planting for Security

Planting Out Peas