Все публикации

making THESE CHANGES to create our ideal homeschool

choose your homeschool WORD for the year!

GRADE 9 BOOK LIST - non-fiction, classics, historical fiction & fantasy

GRADE 6 BOOK LIST - lots of middle grade book recommendations

GOOD AND BEAUTIFUL unboxing and curriculum haul - GRADE 5/6 & 9

CURRICULUM HAUL - for preschool, grade one, six & nine!

LEARN MATH FAST REVIEW - flip through & honest thoughts

our current read aloud

how all our homeschool changes are REALLY going

preschool & kindergarten CURRICULUM PICKS for the spring and summer

grade 5 & 8 CURRICULUM PICKS for the spring and summer

my MOTHER ACADEMIA picks for spring and summer

a HOMESCHOOL BOOK HAUL 📖 classics, new math program & more!

it's homeschool LIBRARY HAUL time! 🪸🌊 with a bit of an ocean emphasis

what we're reading this week #homeschooling #homeschooljourney

I'm back! & we're changing everything

CHANNEL ANNOUNCEMENT: it's time to be done.

how I teach MATH WITHOUT a CURRICULUM & some of our favorite resources

how I teach HISTORY WITHOUT a CURRICULUM & some of our favorite resources

how I teach LANGUAGE ARTS WITHOUT a CURRICULUM & some of our favorite resources

homeschool WITHOUT A CURRICULUM - my simple step by step process & an introduction to a new series!

my 10-year-old's FAVORITE BOOKS - great book recommendations for boys

my 12-year-old's FAVORITE BOOKS - great book recommendations for tweens and teens

look inside - 8-BIT JOURNAL