Все публикации

Dr. Budweiser: Basics of Headaches

The Health Benefits of Sunflower Microgreens & How To Grow Them

7 Healthy Fats You Should Be Cooking With & Why

Dr Budweiser: The Benefits of Fermented Vegetables

Dr. Budweiser: The Benefits of Turmeric

Dr Budweiser: The Gut Brain Connection

Dr Budweiser: What Exactly Is Detoxification & Why Do It?

Dr Budweiser: ENEMAS - Let's Get To The Bottom Of Things

Dr Budweiser: Benefits of Sole & How To Make It

Dr Budweiser: Olive Oil & Lemon Juice Cleanse

YouTube Channel Intro

Dr Budweiser: The Benefits of Aloe Vera & How to Fillet a Leaf

Dr Budweiser: Acetaminophen & The Depletion of Glutathione

Dr Budweiser: Rules - RDA & The Game of Life

Dr Budweiser: Symptoms of Coenzyme Q10 Deficiency

Dr Budweiser: Can You Hold Your Breath for 20 Seconds? ... an Acid Alkaline Discussion

Dr Budweiser: The Importance of Vitamin B9 - Folate

Dr Budweiser: The 8 Fundamental Physiological Processes of the Body

Dr Budweiser: Why You Should Swallow Raw Garlic

Dr Budweiser: Obesity & Chronic Disease

Dr Budweiser: The 10 Lifemarkers of Longevity

Dr Budweiser: The Benefits of Watermelon & How To Cut It

Dr Budweiser: How Stress Makes You Fat & Ruins Your Health

Dr Budweiser: Amazing Things Your Body Does