Все публикации

Can you solve this Easy Google Interview Question? Ransom Note - Leetcode 383

Amazing ChatGPT Hack + AlgoMap Sneak Peek

That feeling when the Leetcode problem is painfully easy

Dynamic Programming - Top Down Memoization & Bottom Up Tabulation - DSA Course in Python Lecture 15

Big Omega vs Big Theta vs Big O in Time Complexity

Recursive Backtracking - DSA Course in Python Lecture 14

Merge Strings Alternately - Leetcode 1768 - Arrays & Strings (Python)

Sliding Window Algorithm - Variable Length + Fixed Length - DSA Course in Python Lecture 13

The Sorting Algorithm That Never Ends! (Bogo Sort?)

2 Pointers Algorithm - DSA Course in Python Lecture 12

Graphs: Edge List, Adjacency Matrix, Adjacency List, DFS, BFS - DSA Course in Python Lecture 11

Sorting: Bubble, Insertion, Selection, Merge, Quick, Counting Sort - DSA Course in Python Lecture 10

How does a Load Balancer Work? How to distribute traffic across multiple machines for System Design

What ACTUALLY happens when you Visit a Website? (System Design Interviews)

Heaps & Priority Queues - Heapify, Heap Sort, Heapq Library - DSA Course in Python Lecture 9

Horizontal vs Vertical Scaling in System Design (System Design Interviews)

Heap Sort is Way Easier Than You Think!

Binary Trees & Binary Search Trees - DSA Course in Python Lecture 8

Binary Search - Traditional + Condition Based - DSA Course in Python Lecture 7

Time & Space Complexity Cheatsheet for Sorting Algorithms

What is the Mean Squared Error (MSE) in Machine Learning?

Recursion - Recursive Call Stacks & Algorithms - DSA Course in Python Lecture 6

Quick Sort Algorithm Explained!

Stacks & Queues - DSA Course in Python Lecture 5