Все публикации

The Withered Heath - The Homeland of Dragons

Why did Sauron take the Nazgûl's Rings?

Middle-earth Mysteries - How old was Legolas?

Why didn't Gondor choose a new king?

The West-march - Rohan's Traitorous Province

How did Sauron deceive Celebrimbor?

The Complete History of Rhûn

Shadow of Mordor - 10 Years Later

Middle-earth Mysteries - Amon Hen

Harondor - The Battleground of the South

How Sam ruined Gollum's redemption...

The Five Guardians - Gandalf's First Age Adventure

The Factions of the First Age Explained

Nurn - The Breadbasket of Mordor

How China was once part of Middle-earth...

Audaghaim - The Most Terrifying Quest in Lord of the Rings Online

Drúwaith Iaur - The Mysterious Wilderness of the South

The Undead of Middle-earth

The Powerful Eastern Orcs of Middle-earth

The Worst Times To Be Alive In Middle-earth

The Biggest Problem With Tolkien's Worldbuilding

How Aragorn was related to everyone...

Forodwaith - The Frozen North of Middle-earth

How did Sauron corrupt the Númenoreans?