Все публикации

Cross table calculations in MX Deposit

Combine assay results across activities in MX Deposit

Box number calculations and data additions in MX Deposit

Georeferencing aerial imagery with boreholes in Leapfrog

Importing dxf files with closed and open polylines into GeoStudio

Using the correlation tab for borehole data in Leapfrog

Visible Geology: How to save, share and embed your models

Visible Geology: How to build a 3D geological model in the Geology Explorer

Visible Geology: How to create and visualise stereonets in the Stereonet tool

Visible Geology: How to investigate the principles of apparent dip

Converting units of contaminant concentrations​ in Leapfrog

Importing 2D sections from Central into GeoStudio

Creating saturated and unsaturated groundwater models in Leapfrog

Uploading images with coordinates into Imago

Reprocessing images in Imago

Removing outliers with ​the error statistics tool​ in AGS Res2DInv

Create activity groups and manage users in MX Deposit

Exporting Leapfrog MODFLOW grids into Groundwater Vista​

Offsetting borehole IDs for improved readability in Leapfrog

Loading time dependent points using MEQ seismic data in Leapfrog Energy

Reprojecting and prepping microseismic data in Oasis montaj

VOXI TDEM project setup in Oasis montaj - Part 1

Stratigraphic sequence modelling in Leapfrog

Setting up the Leapfrog | Imago integration