Все публикации

Field Extensions and Roots of Polynomials (Algebra 3: Lecture 8 Video 2)

Arithmetic in F[x]/(p(x)) (Algebra 3: Lecture 8 Video 1)

Extension Fields (Algebra 3: Lecture 7 Video 2)

Review of Fields (Algebra 3: Lecture 7 Video 1)

Extensions of Fields and Roots of Polynomials (Algebra 3: Lecture 7 Video 3)

Changing from One Canonical Form to Another (Algebra 3: Lecture 6 Video 1)

The Elementary Divisor Decomposition Algorithm (Algebra 3: Lecture 6 Video 3)

Jordan Canonical Form: Two Example Problems (Algebra 3: Lecture 6 Video 4)

Computing Jordan Canonical Form: An Example (Algebra 3: Lecture 6 Video 2)

Jordan Canonical Form and Diagonal Matrices (Algebra 3: Lecture 5 Video 3)

The Elementary Divisor Decomposition of an F[x]-Module (Algebra 3: Lecture 5 Video 1)

Jordan Canonical Form (Algebra 3: Lecture 5 Video 2)

The Invariant Factor Decomposition Algorithm (Algebra 3: Lecture 4 Video 2)

Example Problems: Similarity Classes of Matrices (Algebra 3: Lecture 4 Video 3)

Facts about Characteristic Polynomials (Algebra 3: Lecture 3 Video 1)

Computing Rational Canonical Form I (Algebra 3: Lecture 4 Video 1)

Similarity for n x n Matrices: n = 2,3,4 (Algebra 3: Lecture 3 Video 3)

The Characteristic Polynomial is the Product of the Invariant Factors (Algebra 3: Lecture 3 Video 2)

Coefficients of the Characteristic Polynomial (Algebra 3: Lecture 3 Video 4)

The Smith Normal Form of a Matrix (Algebra 3: Lecture 3 Video 5)

When are F[x]-Modules Isomorphic? (Algebra 3: Lecture 2 Video 2)

Rational Canonical Form of a Linear Transformation (Algebra 3: Lecture 2 Video 1)

The Rational Canonical Form over F and over K (Algebra 3: Lecture 2 Video 4)

Rational Canonical Form for Matrices (Algebra 3: Lecture 2 Video 3)