Все публикации

ST4FSS 7: Balancing loops & Time delays

ST4FSS 6: Reinforcing Loops

ST4FSS 5: Interconnectedness & the role of mental models

ST4FSS 4: The law of unintended consequences

ST4FSS 3: What is a system?

ST4FSS 2: Why is systems thinking important and when can it help us?

ST4FSS 1: Systems Thinking for Food Systems Sustainability - Course Introduction

Education Resources for Food System Sustainability

InSPIRES Science Café - May

DAY 1 - Legumes through the consumers’ eye | TRUE C-LIN 2018 Budapest

DAY 2 - Legumes through the consumers’ eye | TRUE C-LIN 2018 Budapest

Looking at legumes through the consumers’ eye | TRUE C-LIN 2018 Budapest

Podcast - Márciusi Science Café - Dr. Antalfai Márta, Szűcs Fatin Fanni - Művészet- és meseterápia

Podcast - Áprilisi Science Café - Rákár-Szabó Natália, Szabó Gábor Timur - Vadonterápia

Podcast - Januári Science Café - Pieke Noémi - Kapcsolatközpontú állatterápia

InSPIRES Science Café - April

InSPIRES Science Café - March

InSPIRES Science Café - February

InSPIRES Science Café - January

HUMAN SENSING: Bio Hackathon

EKLIPSE Science café on how to integrate the diverse values of nature into our decisions

Science Café about the diverse values of nature

Wekerlei helyi gazdaságfejlesztési stratégia műhely

Citizen science - in researching biodiversity