Все публикации

5 Ways to Unclog Your Ears Fast! Quick Tips for Relief #UnclogEars #PopYourEars #BlockedEars

COULD YOU HAVE PMDD? #periods #stress #outofcontroll #doctor #pmdd #premenstrualdysphoricdisorder

Severe PMS? It Might Be PMDD - Doctor Discusses Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Breathing technique to help you sleep #insomnia #sleep

Sprain or strain? Here’s how best to heal it fast and prevent it again!

Fungal Nail Infections? Stop the spread and clear it up for good

Top Hacks for Wart and Verruca Removal – Doctor’s Tips

Doctor gives top tips for managing UTIs #uti #urinarytractinfection #cystitis

What happens when antibiotics stop working?!

Cystitis? UTI? Get rid of it fast and prevent it coming back!

Fun on my second event with the NHS Clinical Entrepreneur Programme #NHSCEP

Doctor shows how to make your own nasal rinse 

Is that health tip legit? Doctor shares how to spot BS online #healthmisinformation

Struggling with your TEENAGER'S ANXIETY? Doctor's Insider Tips

Heartburn & acid reflux? Ease symptoms fast and for good

A doctor shows you how to properly use eye drops #healthtips

A trip to London to film @itv for Good Morning Britain to talk about PA rollout concerns

What is a physician associate (PA)? The truth you need to know!

Blocked nose? Sinusitis? Clear it fast!

#WorldHearingDay #hearingloss #tinnitus #doctor

The Truth about Measles: Do we need to worry?

Doctor demonstrates how to get rid of vertigo #BPPV #vertigo #epley

SLEEP is your weight loss weapon

Exercise is NOT key to losing weight, here's why.