Все публикации

Advice for Creating New NP Mentorship Programs

Advice for Creating New NP Mentorship Programs

Advice for New Grads Interested in Urgent Care with Michelle Lew, NP

Advice for New Grads Interested in Urgent Care with Michelle Lew, NP

Assessing Chest Pain: New Red Flags & Risk Factors - Interview with Jennifer Carlquist, PA

Assessing Chest Pain: New Red Flags & Risk Factors

Treating Substance Use Disorder - Stimulants & How to Get Addiction Histories

Treating Opiate Use Disorder in Primary Care

Bridging the Gap: Primary Care and Specialty Care Courses for Nurse Practitioners - Need Your Input!

Bridging the Gap: Primary Care and Specialty Care Courses for Nurse Practitioners - Need Your Input!

Reimagining Continuing Education for Nurse Practitioners

Giving Yourself Permission, Season 2 Recap & What's Next

Investing In Your Future: Financial Planning for NPs

Empowering Equity: Transforming Clinical Spaces with Community Care

Empowering Equity: Transforming Clinical Spaces with Community Care #nursepractitioner #podcast

Navigating the Drama Triangle in Healthcare

Navigating The Drama Triangle As An NP

Caretaker Fatigue: What Is The Root Cause?

[Shorts] Are NP Careers Changing?

Are NP Careers Changing?

[Shorts] Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Roundtable: How Are We Doing After Covid?

Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Roundtable: How Are We Doing After Covid?

[Shorts] Cardiology In Primary Care With Midge Bowers

Cardiology In Primary Care With Midge Bowers