Все публикации

Headquarters Passing Options

Diving Kimura Trap from Standing

Great Use for Kimura Trap

How To Use The Kimura Trap in Jiu-Jitsu

Saddle Submission Essentials | Jiu-Jitsu Leg Attacks

Back Take & Truck Entry from K-Guard

Neck Cranks from Closed Guard

Seven Deadly Neck Cranks | Jiu-Jitsu & Submission Grappling

Wrestle-Ups for Jiu-Jitsu People

Ham Sandwich from Deep Half Guard

Pillow Scarf Smother & Submissions

Back Take from Arm Saddle, Xanadu Style

Leg Compression Hulk vs Chen - CJI

Gogoplata Pathways

Honey Stick Entries | The Costa Rican Switch

The Best Triangle Setup

Using Effective Striking for Takedowns

Heel Hook from Honey Stick Entry

Arm Drag Back Take from Knee Shield

Powerful Underhook Takedown from Pinch Headlock

Simplified Takedowns & Finishes Using The Pinch Headlock

What Type of Triangle is This?

Proper Darce Choke Details

Mounted Kimura Details