Все публикации

Why our EARS are amazing! #Science #Shorts #BBCIdeas

Your eyes can see a MILLION colours! #Shorts #Science #BBCIdeas

How quantum technology could change the world | BBC Ideas

Soil is AMAZING! #Soil #Shorts #BBCIdeas

Mouse on toast?! 🐁 #Science #BBCIdeas #Shorts

William Buckland: The man who tried to eat every animal on Earth| BBC Ideas

Wait... fungi can communicate?! #Fungi #Shorts #BBCIdeas

Why do we crave certain foods? #FoodCravings #Shorts #BBCIdeas

Could poo help us save the planet? 💩#Science #Shorts #BBCIdeas

How the discovery of DNA changed the world – and my life | BBC Ideas

Would you put your grandma’s ashes in a ring? #Shorts #Cremation #BBCIdeas

How to deal with imposter syndrome #Shorts #ImposterSyndrome #BBCIdeas

How to solve the world's plastic problem | BBC Ideas

Three ways to boost your resilience #Shorts #Resilience #BBCIdeas

What does chronic pain feel like? #Shorts #ChronicPain #BBCIdeas

Could poo actually be useful? #BBCIdeas #AncientRome #Shorts

How to tell if you're being bullied at work | BBC Ideas

The former child genius reshaping the world of tech | BBC Ideas

Why do we kiss? 💋 | BBC Ideas

Anne-Marie Imafidon: The former child genius reshaping the world of tech | BBC Ideas

The science of snowflakes with Brian Cox | BBC Ideas

Inside my autistic mind | BBC Ideas

The science of snowflakes ❄️ | BBC Ideas

How bilingualism boosts your brain | BBC Ideas