Все публикации

The War on the Unborn... and It's Happening Right Under Your Nose

Pro-Life Intent... a Power Grab or Sincere Values? | William Lane Craig Vs. Christopher Hitchens

What About People Who Never get to Hear About Jesus? Q&A With Dr. Frank Turek

John Lennox vs. Stephen Hawking | THUG LIFE | Feat - Dr. William Lane Craig

Do Christmas Traditions Have Christian Origins? | Frank Turek & William J. Federer

Peterson, Craig & Goldstein | Objective Moral Values, the Genetic Fallacy & the Euthyphro Dilemma

Frank Turek & Bob Cornuke | Division Between Truth & Tradition: The Real Mount Sinai & Ararat Region

The Fine Tuning of the Universe | Intelligent Design - Dr. Frank Turek

The Teleological Argument | FINE TUNING - Dr. William Lane Craig | Intelligent Design

Frank Turek & William Lane Craig Discuss the Moral Argument & Naturalism

InspiringPhilosophy, Mike Winger, oneminuteapologist, Whaddo You Meme?? Q&A - (edit)

The Kalam Cosmological Argument... In a Nutshell - Dr. William Lane Craig

Contradictions in the Bible?... or in its Critics? Bart Ehrman, Peter J Williams & Justin Brierley

Is Faith Wishful Thinking or is Disbelief? Frank Turek & John Lennox - Sigmund Freud

William Lane Craig & John Lennox - Stephen Hawking, Cosmology, the Multiverse, God ...& Nothing?

John Lennox & Frank Turek - Remembering C.S. Lewis

If These Little Guys are so Precious... How Much MORE Must YOU be Worth?

Is God Guilty of Animal Cruelty? - Dr. William Lane Craig on the Problem of Natural Evil

Frank Turek & William Lane Craig - The Multiverse, Fine Tuning & The Finite Past

Love Is Tolerance? Yeah...Nah. Q&A With Dr. Frank Turek (audio)

If God?... Why Hemorrhoids!? - John Lennox, Michael Ruse & Haemorrhoids

Christian Apologetics - What is it and why is it so important? Dr. Frank Turek

Purpose & Morality - Q&A with William Lane Craig & Christopher Hitchens

Dr. William Lane Craig Reflects on his Talk With Sir Roger Penrose