Все публикации

Should you ice an ankle sprain?

Is your Achilles tendon twisted? How your Achilles tendon anatomy impacts rehab

Do you need to foam roll or stretch before running?

Strengthening exercises for Iliotibial band syndrome

Iliotibial Band Syndrome - A runners guide to treatment

Rehab exercises for chronic ankle instability

Plyometric running exercises Achilles tendinopathy

How to prevent calf strains in runners

Foot Strengthening Exercises for Runners

How runners should strengthen the plantar fascia

What every runner should know about pronation

How to decrease overload on plantar fascia while running

How using a smartwatch can reduce running injuries (plantar fasciitis & patellofemoral pain)

Why runners should strengthen both legs with Achilles tendon pain

Do weak glutes cause knee pain with running?

3 mistakes new runners make that lead to injuries

Functional foot strengthening exercises for runners

How to pick a running shoe & load management strategies for injuries

Should you heel strike when you run?

Should you foam roll the IT band?

How to pick a running shoe to prevent injuries

4 common running injury myths (and what to do about them)

Do flat feet cause running injuries?

Posterior tibialis tendon strengthening exercises (foot pronation)