Все публикации

Quick OSM effective data collection

Midnight sun - Hammerfest, Norway [Smarthotel.no]

Idle Python module installation on Windows 11

Realistic sky view in Stellarium - ShowMySky

Wordpress - convert .png to .webp without plugins

Great American Eclipse 2024, supplement II - Western Europe

Hollowell Reservoir - Drought 2022 [Hollowellsc.org.uk]

Great American Eclipse 2024, supplement I - New Foundland [Xjubier.free.fr]

Fibre FTTX schematic in QGIS

Export QGIS project to AutoCAD LT with attribute table data

Street View access from Folium map

Python Folium - simple geocoder for free

Leaflet map with instant access to Google Street View

AutoCAD LT Search by cordinates

QGIS batch layer selection within the polygon

AutoCAD LT - total length of lines & polylines calculation

AutoCAD LT - Geolocation from point

Autocad LT - Geolocation large drawings

Elevation data in QGIS without DEM

AutoCAD Lite to Excel - export properties data

Flood in Kraków [Deckchair.com]

Great American Eclipse 2024, part IV - North USA & Canada

Teleconverter TC-1401 kit and Sigma 150-600mm Contemporary lens - astrophotography - Supermoon 2022

Abisko National Park - midnight Sun and heatwave [LightsOverLapland]