Все публикации

My wife's first Fortnite win...

Ra2 YR: 5 Hard AI vs XXxPrePxX on Wild Animal Park

Ra2 YR: 4on4 Offense Defense with Superweapons

Ra2 YR: 3on3 on Tour Of Egypt with Superweapons

Ra2 YR: CNCNet 4on4 Near Ore Far

Ra2 YR: CNCNet 4on4 Offense Defense and The Great Wall of China

Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality Proof Using Inner Product and Complex Analysis

Introduction to Hermitian and Unitary Matrices

Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge 1 vs. 7 Brutal Enemies on Heck Freezes Over ALLIED version

Red Alert 2 8-way Free For All on Heck Freezes Over

Red Alert 2: 5 Brutal Enemies vs. 1 [XXxPrePxX] on map: Streets of Gold

General Physics Torque Problem

Binomial Theorem Proof by Induction

Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge: Sedona Pass 5 Brutal Enemies vs. XXxPrePxX (Yuri)

Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge: Defeating 5 Brutal Enemies with Soviets on Bay of Pigs

Red Alert 2 - 8-Player Battle on Artic Circle

Ra2 XXxPrePxX - 2on2 on Snow Valley

Creating a Math Poster [Time Lapse]

Calculus Based Kinematics Problem

Mathematical Relationship between Density and Volume when dealing with Basic Planetary Measurements

Two-Dimensional Kinematics Problem

Three Step One Dimensional Kinematics Equation Problem

Ra2 QM: XXxPrePxX vs. Sandberg12

AMV - Sasuke Goes It Alone