Все публикации

Showing that the fourth root of 2 is not rational

Markov chains

Least square adjustment method in surveying

Lagrange points of the Euler solutions of the three body problem:

Unit tangent, normal and binormal vectors of a curve and the curvature of a curve

Orientation of a parametric curve

Parametric Curves

Euler and quaternion coordinates for orientation

Hip-hop solutions of the six-body problem and planar solution of the six-body problem

Solving a Decoupled system. Problem 4 chapter 7

Euler's method for systems and reducing a second order ode into a first order system

Phase line of first order differential equation

Applying the Euler's method and checking the error

Graphing near resonance

Workinng out your algebra

example separation of variables: y'=y^3 cos(t), y(0)=-3

example of separation of variables; solving y'=y^2 (sin t+ e^(2t)), y(0)=1

Schmidt decomposition for two qubit states

A property that I did not know about ellipses

Double and triple integrals part 2

Maxime Vachier-Lagrave (MVL) vs Mikola Bortnyk blitz ending at Bridgeport Open August 2022.

Double and triple integrals part1

Circular solution of the two body problem

Verifying Stokes' theorem